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Apple Guide:

What is a mixin?
How do I decide whether to use mixins?
How do I set up and compile a mixin?
How do I control when a mixin mixes into the parent guide?
How do I use elements from the parent guide in a mixin?
Why does GuideMaker refuse to compile my mixin?
Why won't a mixin mix into the parent guide?
Why does the guide look strange when a mixin is active?

Why won't a mixin mix into the parent guide?

If you open the parent guide and the mixin changes are missing, there are several possible causes:

Apple Guide versions before 1.2.7 have a bug that can cause Apple Guide to fail if a mixin's qualifier resource returns false. If the qualifier returns false, the mixin not only doesn't mix in, but the user can't open the parent guide at all. This bug is only present with Apple Guide 1.2.5 and before, and only on Power Macs.

 Next: Why does the guide look strange when a mixin is active?

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
Copyright © 1997 Jeanne A. E. DeVoto