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Apple Guide:

What is a mixin?
How do I decide whether to use mixins?
How do I set up and compile a mixin?
How do I control when a mixin mixes into the parent guide?
How do I use elements from the parent guide in a mixin?
Why does GuideMaker refuse to compile my mixin?
Why won't a mixin mix into the parent guide?
Why does the guide look strange when a mixin is active?

How do I control when a mixin mixes into the parent guide?

Three factors affect whether a mixin mixes in: the location of the mixin file, the qualifier resource (if any), and the <mixin match> code (if any):

 Next: How do I use elements from the parent guide in a mixin?

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
Copyright © 1997 Jeanne A. E. DeVoto